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The Bin

Welcome to "The Bin."  This is where I put all the fairly unpopular or unupdated portions of the website. Stuff gets in here just because I either don't have time to work on it, or no one wants to look at it, or I don't feel like deleting it altogether.  So, look through this stuff if you dare.  Or don't ... I really am quite indifferent about the whole thing.

A comic that was meant to be much longer lived, Brandi tells the story of a "Dark Influence" (or, in other words a "Shoulder Devil") who gets fired.  Pretty much abandoned when I lost all of the artwork (which was completely finished) for the second installment.

A GUI written for old DOS computers (GUIDO stands for Graphical User Interface DOS Overlay... yes, I know, that means there is an acronym in an acronym...).  The project is on hold because for the purposes I needed it for, it was good enough -- and no one seemed interested in actually using it... which makes writing it mildly pointless.
The Coolness of Clive

Effectively a shrine to Vandal Hearts' Clive Beckett.  Written in a fit of boredom originally back in 1999, this part of the site was never meant to be updated again.  Unlike other sections of the website like that though, this was just wasn't very popular... so it gets tossed in the bin.  Mostly, it's just not very funny.
Room 825

My short lived webcomic that never really took off.  It's really, really, really, really, really crappy.  Do not read this.  I'm serious.  You're going to hate it.  It will make you cry.  A lot.  Okay, so if you really feel the need to, you can take a look at the brief glipse into Will and Marcus's lives... but I'm warning you, the comic is effectively sh**.

Okay, so a long time ago I used to be a Transformers fanfic author, and this is what I was writing.  Until, as many know, I had a falling out with my co-author... okay, so really I just felt that fanfic was a waste of my time and energy, but that other story is more dramatic.  Now I think Sean has been working on finishing it, but sometimes I don't know if I want to consider his versions canonical or not... and then I realize it's a fanfic that I don't give a crap about anymore and move on.
Image Carrots

So, for a while I got on a image modifying kick (some would call it photoshopping/photochopping). As I don't use Photoshop though, I was hardpressed to come up with a name for the section. Out of an odd moment, I (for some bizarre reason) thought I would just make up a new term that made no sense - hence Carrots. Yeah, I don't know what I was thinking either. Anyways, I have stopped doing such activities, so these get moved to the bin - as it's a rather small section anyways.
WinAmp Skins

I used to design WinAmp skins in my spare time for WinAmp 2.x versions. As I no longer update them, and as no one uses that version of the software anymore, I've sort of shuffled this off to the side. As for their compatibility with later versions of WinAmp, I know they mostly work with version 3.x (except the playlist area), after that though... no idea. So, rather than keep "featuring" this section, I've moved it to the Bin.

Note: Any time wasted will not be refunded.  As we have warned you that visiting these sections will in fact cause you pain, you can not hold, Trae Dorn, TRHNetworks, or any of his/its/their subsidiaries responsible for wasting a portion of your life that you will, in fact, never get back.  Drink more milk.

Trae Dorn
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Peregrine Lake
The Chronicles of Crosarth - a webcomic of Steampunk Adventure, updated Mon & Wed
UnCONventional - A Webcomic about Conventions, Updated Tuesdays and Thursdays
Read Trae's Blog!   Nerd & Tie
Read the Mia Graves Saga       

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