[The Craptacular Web] [FAQ]

Date: June 03, 2003 at 18:07:32
From: Traegorn
Subject: Idiocy In Action...

URL: The 'Love In Action' Website - http://www.loveinaction.org/

I know, I've been quiet on this section of the webpage for a couple of months, but my need to point out the 'stupid' on the web has finally returned. This installment looks at one of the worst named organizations in the world, "Love In Action".

"Love In Action" is a extremely right-wing Christian organization which was founded as a "ministry for those seeking freedom from Homosexuality..." Uh-huh... These guys are one of the many "Ex-Gay" ministries trying to "convert" people from the "evils" of homosexuality (Can I use more quote marks in a sentence? Yes. Yes I can... but I won't).

Now, I'm not gay, but I've never been able to understand people who demand that homosexuality is a choice. Now, I didn't "choose" to be attracted to women. Certain parts of my anatomy jump up and say "PRETTY LADY!" without any sort of conscious thought, folks. So, my assumption has always been (and I believe that I'm right) that homosexuals and bisexuals work the same way - they (like me) don't choose who they're attracted to... it just happens, regardless.

So, whenever I see "ex-gay" ministries I tend to scratch my head and say "What the *&!#?" I mean, really. What we see with these guys is typical self loathing behavior. A bunch of people who were raised being told that homosexuality was wrong, dealing with guilt complexes over something they can't control. It's all extremely stupid.

What actually frightens me a bit is their "Refuge" program for boys the ages 14-18. See, parents can spend either $1500 or $2500 to re-educate their homosexual teenage boy. It's thoroughly disturbing in my mind that any parent would place their child into such a program. It's revolting, really.

Sorry for not being that funny with this installment, occasionally my revulsion won't be entertaining...

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Date: January 05, 2004 at 14:07:31
From: Guess who
Subject: Re: Idiocy In Action...

Read Levitcus 18:20, Ist corithians 6:9 (The whole thing) Which ends with as were some of you.) Romans 1:8-Romans 2:1, Homosexuality is controllable, and it is against what the bible says, and unnatural. The bible says God man them Male & Female not male and mail

[67] [70] [71]

Date: January 08, 2004 at 16:35:00
From: Traegorn
Subject: Ah, but...

First off, I'm sure you mean Leviticus 18:22, and not 18:20 -- since 18:20 talks about "your neighbor's wife", and not homosexuality. But that aside, are you saying that you follow every rule in the bible? Word for word?

So, if I had a daughter, I could sell her into slavery - as outlined in Exodus 21:7? That would still be okay, right?

So, you know, Best Buy is open on the Sabbath... should I just go in with an Uzi and put them all to death? I mean, Exodus 35:2 tells me I have to... and I think part of me wants to, having worked there for three years. Fortunately, I didn't work on the Sabbath there, so I guess I'm okay... Have you ever worked on the Sabbath??

Heck, according to Leviticus 20:27, I can go stone John Edward whenever I feel like it... I guess that makes me feel better... But you should also be stoning me I guess - according to Leviticus 24:14 - since I did blaspheme a lot according to some people.

Of course, I let my sister leave the house during her period, so I'm just screwed...

Heck, it sounds to me like you've been a pretty lousy Christian then - I mean, you're just sitting there, not stoning ANYONE, when the bible clearly tells you to do it. Get off your ass, and take some action!

But I digress - there's nothing in the ten commandments about homosexuality, nor does Jesus ever say anything against it. Even if the Christian god exists, and the bible was inspired by the divine - the writings still came down through the hands of MAN, a wholely imperfect being. And if you tell me that something written by a man in infallible, then you're the one who needs therapy.


[70] [71]

Date: January 10, 2004 at 11:30:00[]
From: Guess Who
Subject: Re: Ah, but...

First of all for someone who does not believe in the christian God you certainly had no trouble quoting the bible. That's okay in Matthew 4:6, Satan does the same thing. So I am not throw when one of his servants follows suit. As far as your other arguments. Let's take them one at As far as blasphme goes the bible says in that only Blasphme against the holy ghost will not be forgiven. Second of all the bible calls us in Romans 13:1-3, to submit ourselves to the higher power. And besides the old covenant is fufilled when Jesus died. The fact is Jesus did not condem it, but it is still condemned by the Apostle Paul who wrote in Romans 1:27, "For this cause God gave them up to their vile affections for even there women did change the natural use into that which is against Nature. and likewise the men leaving their natural use of the woman, burned in their lusts one towards another; men working that which is unseemly, and recieving into themselves that recompense of error." It is being condemned by the apostle paul. Jesus said, "All authority has been given unto me I give unto you.. So the apostle had the authority


Date: January 10, 2004 at 11:51:50[sdn-ap-008ilchicp0434.dialsprint.net]
From: Traegorn
Subject: I can quote the bible...

...because I've had this argument before, and I have the capability to read. Besides, the first rule of rebuttal is to either acknowledge or question your opposition's evidence. You're using the bible to make your point, so I'm going to show how it doesn't prove yours.

And frankly, we can have arguments about this until the sun goes down. The reasons you believe in your arguments have nothing to do with logic, thought, or even faith. It is ignorance, and stubborness. Neither do I feel like dealing with today.




Date: June 05, 2003 at 04:19:54
From: wizerdree
Subject: Re: Idiocy In Action...

i got to your page through People's links on the No Brand Forum. Anyway after reading about these folks page i had to ask you ever seen "But i'm a cheerleader" ? If you haven't, it's a movie about a homosexual/lesbian re-education camp and all the camp does over the course of the movie is make the kids that much more firm and confident in their feelings toward their gender of choice. btw, crazy white boys in the hizzouse, yea just like "the icy hot stuntaz"


Date: June 05, 2003 at 17:13:12
From: Traegorn
Subject: No, I haven't seen that film...

...but from what I've been reading, that's a pretty common reaction...



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