[The Craptacular Web] [FAQ]

Date: January 09, 2004 at 01:53:06[sdn-ap-005ilchicp0496.dialsprint.net]
From: Traegorn
Subject: Most disgusting website EVER.

URL: Martijn.org - http://www.martijn.org/

Okay, so I think I found a site that everyone with any shred of decency can rally against. It's so bad that I'm afraid that I'll end up on some FBI list somewhere just for linking to it.

They refer to it as "adult-child relationships." I refer to it as "fucked up emotional and physical domination over a helpless child, who is not psychologically prepared for what a sick bastard is about to do to them," but I digress...

This website is so wrong. Their "Objective" claims that it is merely a sexual preference, but any sane person can see the difference between what happens between a pair of consenting adults, and what happens between an adult and someone without the ability to defend themselves.

Just looking at the covers of their publication "OK Magazine" just makes my stomach churn.

One of the things that amazes me about these guys is that they paint themselves as victims. See, apparently when you rape little boys and girls and someone thinks that there is something wrong with it, you are the victim, and not the small child that has been permanently scarred.

Like my last article, this entry was also not funny. But then again, anyone who can find humor in this subject needs to be kicked in the groin.

[76] [77]

Date: April 04, 2001 at 13:16:00[]
From: Topher
Subject: Hmm...

I figured this was going to be on the level of goatse.cx but no, this is far worse....

Umm, I'm not even going to visit it, if that's alright.

By the way, does NAMBLA have a website?


Date: April 04, 2001 at 15:06:04[Eau Claire, WI]
From: Traegorn
Subject: http://www.nambla.org/

I hate people some days...


[The Craptacular Web] [FAQ]

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