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The Witch and the Rose by Trae Dorn - on sale now!

October 20, 2002 at 16:27:40
Evil Yoda! Evil Yoda!
These guys are, well, completely off their rockers.

Sound Doctrine is a strange place really, they are a one stop shop for paranoia, stupidity, and rhetoric. I mean, they have a page dedicated to explaining how Yoda is Satan.

That's right, Yoda is Satan.

Besides Yoda, you can blame the woes in the world on "Country" Music (godless!), "Christian" Rock (Wait, so if you do have god in music, it's still bad?), Un-submissive Wives, Racial Pride, Premarital Sex, Immodesty in Dress, No Fear of God, and *gasp* Television.

Uh huh.

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