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The Witch and the Rose by Trae Dorn - on sale now!

January 08, 2004 at 17:35:00
Ah, but...

First off, I'm sure you mean Leviticus 18:22, and not 18:20 -- since 18:20 talks about "your neighbor's wife", and not homosexuality. But that aside, are you saying that you follow every rule in the bible? Word for word?

So, if I had a daughter, I could sell her into slavery - as outlined in Exodus 21:7? That would still be okay, right?

So, you know, Best Buy is open on the Sabbath... should I just go in with an Uzi and put them all to death? I mean, Exodus 35:2 tells me I have to... and I think part of me wants to, having worked there for three years. Fortunately, I didn't work on the Sabbath there, so I guess I'm okay... Have you ever worked on the Sabbath??

Heck, according to Leviticus 20:27, I can go stone John Edward whenever I feel like it... I guess that makes me feel better... But you should also be stoning me I guess - according to Leviticus 24:14 - since I did blaspheme a lot according to some people.

Of course, I let my sister leave the house during her period, so I'm just screwed...

Heck, it sounds to me like you've been a pretty lousy Christian then - I mean, you're just sitting there, not stoning ANYONE, when the bible clearly tells you to do it. Get off your ass, and take some action!

But I digress - there's nothing in the ten commandments about homosexuality, nor does Jesus ever say anything against it. Even if the Christian god exists, and the bible was inspired by the divine - the writings still came down through the hands of MAN, a wholely imperfect being. And if you tell me that something written by a man in infallible, then you're the one who needs therapy.


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