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On This Day With Trae!

On This Day With Trae is a daily podcast hosted by Trae Dorn, in which they impart a random bit of historical trivia into your day. It's only about a minute and a half long, but it's kind of fun!

In truth, Trae's been finding tidbits like this every day to share for years -- they just finally started to record themself doing it.

Here's Your Podcast For December 21!

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Further Listening:
Like this podcast? Consider checking out Nerd & Tie, a fortnightly podcast composed of pure geek. Trae cohosts it with fellow geeks Nick and Pher, and they cover all the current goings on in the geek community.

It's pretty fun.

Like the theme song for On This Day With Trae? You Can Download It Here

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Trae Dorn
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