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TRHOnline Photo Galleries

I like taking photos, plain and simple. So, I decided to open up a section dedicated to photos I've taken for fun. It's really not that complicated.

This is the collection of images I've chosen to share with the world. Photos found here fall into two basic categories: Images taken for Artistic purposes, and Images taken to document Gatherings.

Artistic Galleries:
Rhinelander, 2002
I go there every year with my family.  That year I took some photos. (All photos finally fixed).

Eau Claire, Spring 2004
I got bored on 5/17/04 and took a walk with my old digital camera. Did you know my old crappy little camera can hold over 70 photos? I didn't. Of course, only about 35 actually turned out...

TRHCommunity Gatherings:
TRHCommunity people are fun people, but most of us are scattered in different locations. Every once and a while though, we all get together and try to have some fun.
Gathering Reports:
NoBrandCon 2002
We got together for a good time in April of 2002.  What?  Don't believe me?  Click here and see the photos, and a bit of information on the whole event.
GenCon 2002
August of 2002 saw many of us gather in the City of Festivals for it's final hosting of Gen Con (before it moves to Indy).  Click here to see the photos, and what a good time you missed.
DHT 2003 World Tour
The final of our annual January gatherings in Eau Claire for no good reason.  We had a grand old time... click here if you're curious to see the photos and a bit of information on our idiocy.
NoBrandCon 2004
We gather in Eau Claire once more, to celebrate anime, sell foam swords, and make asses out of ourselves in general. View my entire con report... and then cry a little.
NoBrandCon 2005
We gather in Eau Claire once more, to celebrate anime, watch Hanzo the Razor, and make asses out of ourselves in general. Less photos than 2004, but a lot more than 2003... where I forgot to do a report of the event. Yeah...

Upcoming Gatherings:
NoBrandCon 2006
When: Spring, 2006
Where: Eau Claire, WI
What: Eau Claire's Anime, Sci-Fi, and Gaming extravaganza.