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Title Image - 'Winamp Skins'
These are skins that were created on a whim, with no real intention to achieve perfection... just to try out an idea.  Sometimes the images don't align perfectly, but I have no real intention to ever work on these again.
Death Trap Skin
Original Photos
Inspiration: David Recine's p.o.s. car.
Comments: This car is... well... it's a Death Trap.  At one time four different cars, they have joined together through the need to become one p.o.s. together... yeesh.

The photos were taken on a trip we took last summer ('01), in the equalizer, you can see Cat gassing it up.  Why? Because it ran out of gas mid-roadtrip in bumblef*** nowhere.  Clifford, WI does NOT exist, boys and girls...  I swear.

[Note: Sadly, since the skin was made, Dave has sold the Death Trap to Bob of]

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Preview - Death Trap Skin
Reptilian Resistance Skin
Various Images from the RR site
Inspiration: The Reptilian Resistance (
Comments:  I was bored, and decided to make a skin based off of one of my favorite Conspiracy sites.  It turned out well, all things considered.  I spent a total of five minutes on this one... hehe...

Just an easy way to show off your paranoia, I guess.  One of these days I'll do one for *my* site,

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Ex-UtenAmp (Added July 13th, 2003)
Graphics From All over the place...
Inspiration: Revolutionary Girl Utena
Comments: On my attempting to create UtenAmp for Ghaleon (see completed skins), I created a complete skin to use as an example.  This is it.  Never meant to be a finished product, this is a testing of ideas really.  I'm kind of iffy on it though, so I don't consider it good enough to be anything other than experimental.

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