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Title Image - 'Winamp Skins'
In Progress
These are skins that I plan on working on, and are not 'complete' or 'finished' work.  Either the artwork or the buttons need to be tweaked for various reasons.
Brandi Skin
Original Artwork
Inspiration: My comic Brandi
Comments: Brandi, star of my crappy comic, and mascot for No Brand Con, deserves her own Winamp skin... right?  Right?  Well, I think she does.  This skin is in obvious need of tweaking, and has a couple of issues that are rather apparent (readability of controls for one)... but it *is* usable enough...

Bah.  You make the call - but I will be releasing a better version.

[Download this Skin]

Preview - Brandi Skin
Agent 37 Skin
Original Artwork
Inspiration: Agent 37, of PB:ASA
Comments: This currently looks like crap, but I plan on redoing the art, and making it look better.  Agent 37, of CAIN (a secret intelligence group), is one of the stars of the Phil Bond: Accidental Secret Agent series that has yet to see the light of day.  Anyway, I took one of the character sketches for her, and turned it into a Winamp skin.  I don't like the way it turned out, and I'm not sure if I'm going to keep it, or scrap it.  Meh.

[Download this Skin]

Preview - Agent 37 Skin

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