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Welcome to the Morning/Mourning
Posted Nov 6, 2024 - 11:29:38

"Don't waste any time mourning. Organize!"
-Joe Hill

My brother texted the family group chat this quote before he went to work today. I'm not in a good place this morning, but we can't lose ourselves to despair. I know I have a lot of anger right now, but getting into whose fault that is won't help anyone.

Dwelling on the people I will never forgive won't help anyone.

I'm not that optimistic, but hope is a choice we can still make. It's a hard one to make this morning, but I'm still going to do my best. We are where we are, and focusing on yesterday won't change that. We can only move forward, and save as many as we can along the way.

There will be a tomorrow because we're going to make sure there's a tomorrow.
- Traegorn
Back when I was still trying to be male, I was an infantry soldier. Part of the intel work I did was threat assessment. I'm surprised that so many are surprised at the depth and breadth of hate and distrust of all women which is the baseline of American Male brain function. Many thoughts can never be changed, only the generation holding them can change.

I would hug you and try to help with the pain, but also, I'd tell you to be hard enough not to be disappointed again.

That's how _they_ do it, and our goal is to win.

The Art of the Possible.
