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Vote in Every Election.
Posted Mar 20, 2025 - 11:22:09

 So in Wisconsin the April 1st Spring election is in less than two weeks, and it's a doozy. It's our first major election since the garbage fire that happened last November, and here in America's Dairyland we have a massively impactful major race on the ballot: a State Supreme Court seat.

The Wisconsin Supreme Court is currently held by the left by a single seat, so the outcome of this race will determine the balance of the court. On the left we have Susan Crawford, and on the right there's Brad Schimel. While this is, in theory, is a nonpartisan election... let's not kid ourselves. Nothing ever is anymore, especially when the stakes are as high as this one. It is vital that we elect Susan Crawford.

This court will make many decisions that affect our daily lives. This court is what will decide whether or not Wisconsin's 1849 abortion ban is legal or not. This court will either stand up for Wisconsinite's rights or bow to Trump's every whim.

And Elon Musk is pouring millions into Schimel's campaign. Whether this is because he's doing so for ideological reasons or if it's just because Tesla is going to have a case in front of the court soon is hard to tell, but either way a billionaire who's likely barely set foot in the state thinks he gets to decide how we live our lives. He thinks he can buy this election.

But as far as I'm concerned, we're not for sale.

So I beg you, if you live in Wisconsin make sure you vote. It's so, so important. Frankly, elections like this have way more impact on people's lives than they realize. Like also on this ballot is the State Superintendent, and it's really important that we re-elect Jill Underly. And you probably have things like city council, school board, and other local races on your ballot.

Those local races dictate a lot about what happens in your community, and have a much larger impact on your daily life than you realize. Like the book bans you read about happening in some parts of the country? A lot of that happens at the city government level. Who's on your local city council or school board is what makes the difference.

We always vote absentee, and I put our ballots in the mail today. I'll be tracking it over on MyVote to make sure it arrives with our local clerk safely. I can't emphasize how important this is and how vital it is we all show up on this one.
- Traegorn