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The Witch and the Rose by Trae Dorn - on sale now!

October 20, 2002 at 14:48:22
Demonbuster Busted?
Demonbuster Busted? Well, probably not. I think it's meant to look like that.

First off, is a very poorly designed site. I mean, I used to get offended by it - but at this point I just find it funny. Remember, they're trying to 'save' you from "being Depressed? Abused? Afraid? Tormented? Suicidal? Sick? Alcoholic? Addict? Obese? Homosexual (gay, lesbian)? Witch? Satanist? Brotherhood? Want out of the occult or a cult? Hooked on porno? Dying? OCD? MPD? DID? Molester? Self-Abuse? Bi-polar? Etc.?"

Well, good luck with that - I'm having a hard time getting past the crappy midi file.

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