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The Witch and the Rose by Trae Dorn - on sale now!

December 15, 2003 at 16:30:20
You do not walk in my world, child.

First off, I believe in free will. The evil actions caused by a person are their own.

And, addiction - while very bad - is based off of clouded judgement. It's the chemical that the person is addicted to that does the clouding though, and not a supernatural force.

I do believe there are darker things out there, and things that go bump in the night are, at least in my opinion, more real than the average person understands -- but these things are not "demons", merely because of the theological value in that word. They are darkness, and only a fool would welcome them -- but they are nothing more than shadows on this world, and their power only exists on the level that you give to them.

These things though are not responsible for the ills of mankind. They exist outside of us. No, what causes the problems in mankind are from within. We are not a perfect species. We are flawed - and will always be flawed. To pretend that their is no inherit darkness in our nature would be just as bad as pretending there is no inherit good either. Mankind possesses the capabilities to be both "angel" or "devil", and many levels in between. That is the point of being given free will, is it not?

So no, the devil and demons do not inspire evil within us -- we had it there all along. And to pretend that we do not have the capability to cause evil on our own blinds us from seeing any harm that we eventually cause.

No, the first step to preventing ourselves from falling into darkness is to aknowledge that the darkness is there in the first place.

But I digress - none of this is relevant to the subject of the original article. Mostly, is a CRAPPY WEBPAGE, and thus it was profiled.



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