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The Witch and the Rose by Trae Dorn - on sale now!

Y'huda Cohen
August 07, 2003 at 23:29:12
Re: You Don't Know Jack... Chick.

Jack Chick's tracts, books, booklets, and comic books are total bullshit. This clown hates everyone but himself. I know Roman Catholics have really taken a verbal beating from the pen and artwork of Jack Chick, but so have those of us who are Jews. In fact, Mr. Chick's publications have many comments that show he is the ultimate anti-Semite and hypocrite. He bashes Roman Catholics; yet he has multitudes of comments in his publications that show he actually ACCEPTS and avidly SUPPORTS an old dogma taught by popes such as Paul IV and Paul VI that Jews are guilty EN MASSE of the death of Jesus Christ. Mr. Chick, you cannot have it both ways. You cannot criticize Roman Catholics like you do when you are one of the leading voices in these modern times that upholds and supports anti-Semitic teachings of popes like Paul IV and Paul VI. If I am not mistaken, both Paul IV and Paul VI were Roman Catholics.
To any Roman Catholics who read these comments of mine, I did not say these things to attack your church or religion in any way; but, rather, to point out to you and others an individual who is a very real enemy of all of us.

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