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The Witch and the Rose by Trae Dorn - on sale now!

September 06, 2003 at 20:33:32
Re: Hardcore Teddy Bear Rapper!

Hey vatos... chill the fuck out.

Traehorn, I wouldn't be talking shit about Drew's sites man... Your's is pretty damn pathetic man...
Where the fuck did you learn to color coordinate anyways. You are pretty much white trash and you are feeling bad for yourself. How much is that trailer park in the window? You never know.... Drew could be the next Vanilla Ice bitch. Maybe even the Markster...

What are you going to end up doing? Working on your shitty CGI scripts... Drawing your retarded little pictures which are shit by the way, or are you going to try taking more crap on your camera? You are about half passed overexposed on your Rhinelander pic. Learn how to manipulate the shutter moron. I have been developing for a long fucking time and you are in the lower 1/16th of designers. So please, goto class, get the fuck out of Wisconsin and please, please, do not reproduce.

Juancarlos El Violator
Computer Guru to Wisconsin Rapids
and PEUMC!

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