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The Witch and the Rose by Trae Dorn - on sale now!

September 12, 2003 at 16:34:27
Oh no! An anonymous poster has criticized me!

Whatever shall I do!

Your opinion, since you are no one, means nothing. Why are you no one? Because I've seen A little 1998? Yeah. Mouseovers are annoying, by the way. Oh, and it helps if your menu options WORK. I don't think you'll find a single 404 error if you click a link in my site's menu. A "coming soon" placeholder is usually the professional choice in case of an undeveloped area - or just not adding the menu option at ALL until the area of the site is done.

And the Rhinelander pic is SUPPOSED to be over-exposed. That's the point... yeesh. For pete's sake, your criticizing photos I took for fun at 640x480 with a crappy camera. It's not like I was even trying.

What am I going to end up doing? Well, I'm majoring in Graphic Design and minoring in Computer Science. I disagree with you on the appearance of my website, as I know people who like it (and the fact that I make sure the whole site is ONLINE at any given time) - since you can't see my source code, your opinions of my CGI scripts mean NOTHING. I mean, you can work in Perl and PHP right? You do now how to do that, huh? "El Violator"... your either 12, or you just act like it - or a Mexican wrestler. Haven't decided.

And I've never been called "White Trash" before. That's a new one. Someone in Wisconsin Rapids is calling me White Trash... Your probably not even Hispanic - "Juan Carlos" my ass. I'm a nerd, not white trash you moron. If your going to label me with a negative social stereotype, at least pick the right one, yeesh.


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