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A Tribute to Vandal Hearts' True Hero... Clive Beckett
The List:  This is a simple top ten list, explaining why Clive is so damned cool.

10. He can really pull off the color blue.

9.  Chicks dig the long hair.

8.  It's rumored that he is in fact Funky.  Funky like a Monkey.

7.  Personal friend to Arris the Sage.  Before he disappeared and stuff of course.

6.  He has a swank Goatee.  It's all pointy and stuff. 

5.  He is in no way related to Clive Anderson.  Really.  I promise.

4. He might be related to Dr. Sam Beckett of Quantum Leap... but not playwrite Samuel Beckett.

3. He tells Ash where to go, not vice versa.

2. Even you, the player, don't get to control him.  Clive's his own man.

1. He survived getting skewered with the Vandal Heart, a mythic and magical sword.  Lets see *you* do that.

The Introduction
Some Background information on Clive Beckett and Vandal Hearts.

The List...
The top ten reasons that Clive is so incredibly cool.

The Proposed Sequel
The ultimate question is what did ever happen to Clive anyways?

Disclaimer: Vandal Hearts, etc. is the property of Konami... and I in no way have anything to do with Konami. 

Also, this page will never be updated.  Never.  So don't expect it to. 

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