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A Tribute to Vandal Hearts' True Hero... Clive Beckett

Vandal Hearts 1.5*:

The Coolness of Clive
A Nonexistant "Vandal Hearts" Sequel

Set Release Date: 1/9/2003
REAL Release Date: 5/23/2124
* (Number 1.5 because some idiot made a Vandal Hearts 2 that was set in a seperate continuity)

Vandal Hearts (A really cool RPG for the Playstation, if you didn't know) left us with...

With Hel and Dolf gone, the Empire quickly crumbled. Ishtaria was once more set back on the path of democracy.  However, the wounds left by the empire were deep indeed. As a result of the purges which left many dead, the new  government faced a difficult task indeed. In the country side, thieves still make their own laws and only the strong can  survive. Ultimately not much changed since before the war started... People still must make their way by force of their will. It is only when the people lose this will that evil is able to flourish and take power.

Everyone parted ways, and Ash was thought to have disappeared (But Eleni knows better).  They thought they had wrapped everything up in a nice little package.

Except one thing.

What the Hell happened to Clive??

If you think the SDF's Clive Beckett died from a blow from the Vandal Heart, you are sorely mistaken.  Why?  Because he's CLIVE you idiot!  No one as cool as Clive can get killed by some pansy ass magic sword. Not to mention, the game even says he's recovering when you last see him. I figure he's off pimping it somewhere in Ishtaria -- and they must discover what that hep-cat is up to.  So they reunite (Huxley even brings the stamps along) and they just go repetitively fight random monsters until they find him.  Sound Formulaic?  Maybe.  But with new, enhanced graphics anything is interesting.  You can even tell that Kira is supposed to look attractive in standard play (Sorry, no nude scenes).

Where does Clive end up you ask?  Use your imagination.

This page will *never* be updated, so look around and forget it so you have an excuse to come back.  I know no one plays the game these days, so don't try to lie to me.  Now I know, you have the full intention of being a regular visitor here if I keep it current, but frankly I don't have the time (Nor do I care).  It's a spoof, a pseudo sequel, and a pile of hooey.  Deal with it. Am I the only one who gets depressed when I see unupdated video game pages from three years ago?  Delete them already!  Jeez, or at least place a discalaimer that you never will update it ever.  COURTESY DAMMIT!
The Introduction
Some Background information on Clive Beckett and Vandal Hearts.

The List...
The top ten reasons that Clive is so incredibly cool.

The Proposed Sequel
The ultimate question is what did ever happen to Clive anyways?

Disclaimer: Vandal Hearts, etc. is the property of Konami... and I in no way have anything to do with Konami. 

Also, this page will never be updated.  Never.  So don't expect it to. 

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