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The Witch and the Rose by Trae Dorn - on sale now!

July 11, 2003 at 19:25:40
Why are you still here?

You say that you don't care - yet you return? So, you obviously do care, genius boy.

In fact, if you read this, you've just proven me right.

If you think I haven't faced hardship, you don't know me at all. I do think I've had a rather comfortable life, but from what I've read about you - yours has been moreso. So, don't talk to me about that.

Yes, I make jokes about "White guys shouldn't rap", and you know what? That doesn't make me a racist. If you were from the inner city culture, I'd find you a much more legitimate artist. In reality, you ape a style that you have no claim to. You emulate a culture that you don't even understand.

You are an ignorant little boy.

Frankly, I don't give any thought to you. I spent five minutes making fun of you one day, and yet you keep coming back, Mr. "D'Cyple". I just check for new posts on my own site. You're the one who wastes his time visiting people who obviously don't like him.

I think you're a angry little man, with no understanding of self. I don't think about you, but you obviously think of me.

How disturbing.

Now go away, and never come back please.


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