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The Witch and the Rose by Trae Dorn - on sale now!

July 09, 2003 at 03:02:02
Re: Actually...

Its just sad that people like you wanna try to put someone down for what they do. I may not be black and I may not have experienced murders and shit that you think qualifies someone as a "real" rap artist, but I've dealt with enough and it amazes me that people that don't know me waste their time on talking shit about me. You guys have alot of growing up to do if you think its about race and where you live, people go through different things and if you can't see that, then you're more stupid than I thought, but thats okay, cuz I don't care about people like you, theres a word for it "HATERS" and thats what you seem to be along with rest of your friends dissing me. Plus, how can you criticize me when I don't rap any shit that you should have a problem with, you probably didn't even listen to any of it, none of it was gangster shit, and I don't try to be gangster, or are you saying now that the clothes I wear are for certain races, well whatever you're saying, its stupid as fuck. No matter what color you are or where you're from, some people have skills, and thats all that matters. I rap about what I deal with, I stay real with it on a level everybody can understand and relate to and if you got a problem with it, then don't bother with me cuz you and the others that dis me make yourselves sound more fuckin' dumb every time. Save yourself the humiliation. But if you want to open up your ears and eyes then check out People of all colors have been giving me comments, real people that don't got problems with race. If you do, then just shut the fuck up, cuz then nobody gives a fuck about what you have to say.

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