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The Witch and the Rose by Trae Dorn - on sale now!

May 05, 2003 at 22:54:08

...I am mostly amused by the fact that someone
who has never experienced true economic
hardship in life feels that they are in touch with "the

It's not an issue of race - as someone who did
grow up in a fairly good sized city, I have met
caucasion youths who grew up in the inner city...
but they are few, and not that common.

Rap, as I've always seen it, is a form of expression
rooted in the hardships of the lower class,
struggling through a world of violence. Somehow,
the experiences of a small town asthmatic who is
not a minority do not seem to be those of a person
who could possibly speak from that voice.

Oh, and the part where total strangers read your
website? You never get used to that. I still get
bewildered every time I get recognized from my


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