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The Witch and the Rose by Trae Dorn - on sale now!

April 28, 2003 at 01:09:34
Re: An Incredibly White Boy is in the Hiz-ouse!

Mr. Traegorn,
I see you've added to your "Craptacular web" section, and even managed to take a few cheap shots at me while you were at it. Bueno.

Apparently, it's in your head that in order for someone to be a proponent of rap music, they have to be black, or as you so eloquently put it, "Hard Core Gangsta'". This leads me to believe that you're either stupid, misguided, or a healthy combination of the two. In any case, rap is lyrical form of self-expression that, despite what you may think, isn't limited or exclusive to any race or environment. Luckily, you are not the authority on such things. Also, bonus points for you for taking shots at someone because of what their skin color is (or isn't).

And I'm glad you enjoy reading my blog. It IS a little weird having a total stranger fascinated with me, but whatever, just shut your damn mouth. And get a hobby besides writing commentary on people and things you don't know shit about.


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