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The Witch and the Rose by Trae Dorn - on sale now!

July 09, 2003 at 02:43:52
Re: An Incredibly White Boy is in the Hiz-ouse!

All of you ain't shiit, you don't know what hard times is, you ain't been to jail, you ain't served time, you don't gotta be black mutherfucker, you don't gotta be mexican, you can be any color and deal with shit, you guys are just blinded by race, and rappin', haha, I bet I could rip any of you up anyday, it ain't even worth wastin' my time on you bitches, cuz thats all you are is pussiez, least Im trying to do something with my life instead of criticize what people are doing. You don't know anything about me, so why don't you shut the fuck up, cuz if you think Im so fuckin soft, why don't you gimme your real fuckin address, and then you'll fuckin' see, and if you wanna post somethin' like, oh yeah whats mr whiteboy gonna do or soft ass rapper, wait and see, I aint even playin', I don't got time to play, I got enough shit to deal with, so if you think you all are so fuckin hard, tell me your mutherfuckin' addresses and mr. whiteboy soft rapper will leave your brains leakin. FUCK YOU

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