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The Witch and the Rose by Trae Dorn - on sale now!

February 25, 2003 at 23:37:31
Re: An Incredibly White Boy is in the Hiz-ouse!
::tiptoes in::
I work with Faery, just in case you were wondering how I happened to stumble upon your site (I didn't type "cross-dressing tips for standard poodle enthusiasts" into a search engine. Really.) Have you looked at any of the pictures this str8-thuggin' kid has up on his site? At least one of them HAD to have been taken in his kid sister's bedroom. Clearly visible in the background is a stuffed animal net thingy...what are those called? Either it's his sister's room or he has some interesting collecting hobbies going for himself. Heh. High like THC indeed...

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